About Church of Restoration international ministries
It all started with a book.
In the spring of 2013, Travis completed seminary, and heard the voice of the Lord again to write a book. So clear was the direction, that it would be finished by fall and going to print by spring 2014. The Promises of God, Book 1: The Gospel Message was soon being distributed to pastors around the world.
In Kenya, Travis met a man of God named Alex Elijah and sent him a box of books. Pastor Alex was moved to translate The Promises of God into the local language Ekegussi. Soon hundreds of Ekegussi books were being distributed and local Kenyan churches were being established as Pastor Alex and a group of pastors began going from town to town holding revivals and giving out books.
By the time the spring of 2015 arrived, Travis found himself the pastor of a church plant in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Through book distribution and the power of the Holy Spirit, many churches around the world in places like Pakistan, India, and Kenya would come under Travis’s spiritual oversight.
Church of Restoration (COR) International Ministries was born, and growing rapidly.
By the spring of 2016, The Promises of God, Book 2: Paul’s Comfort would be published, and both books would be translated into Kenyan Ekegussi and a second local language, Kalenjini. The Kenyan churches were growing and a great need emerged. The group of pastors who had come together to form the COR Kenya Church had each been caring for a multitude of orphans due to HIV/AIDS, disease and illness, and post-election violence.
Pastors Travis and Jill Toth, seeing the great move of God through the books, and having themselves a new and young family, were stirred to action by the Spirit of God to build an orphanage. God made this promise to them: if the children are brought together under one roof, they will always be provided for—and they have ever since.
In the spring of 2013, Travis completed seminary, and heard the voice of the Lord again to write a book. So clear was the direction, that it would be finished by fall and going to print by spring 2014. The Promises of God, Book 1: The Gospel Message was soon being distributed to pastors around the world.
In Kenya, Travis met a man of God named Alex Elijah and sent him a box of books. Pastor Alex was moved to translate The Promises of God into the local language Ekegussi. Soon hundreds of Ekegussi books were being distributed and local Kenyan churches were being established as Pastor Alex and a group of pastors began going from town to town holding revivals and giving out books.
By the time the spring of 2015 arrived, Travis found himself the pastor of a church plant in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Through book distribution and the power of the Holy Spirit, many churches around the world in places like Pakistan, India, and Kenya would come under Travis’s spiritual oversight.
Church of Restoration (COR) International Ministries was born, and growing rapidly.
By the spring of 2016, The Promises of God, Book 2: Paul’s Comfort would be published, and both books would be translated into Kenyan Ekegussi and a second local language, Kalenjini. The Kenyan churches were growing and a great need emerged. The group of pastors who had come together to form the COR Kenya Church had each been caring for a multitude of orphans due to HIV/AIDS, disease and illness, and post-election violence.
Pastors Travis and Jill Toth, seeing the great move of God through the books, and having themselves a new and young family, were stirred to action by the Spirit of God to build an orphanage. God made this promise to them: if the children are brought together under one roof, they will always be provided for—and they have ever since.
ABOUT restoration children's home kenya
When Pastor Travis had to take a new job which could not meet the monthly bills, God had said to build Him an orphanage.
So the power of God began to move, and a seed was planted when someone donated a truckload of bricks to the church and said, God had said, to give them to Pastor Alex build an orphanage. The winter of 2016 / 2017 was financially hard for the Toth family, but God provided blessings and miracles along the way, and by spring of 2017 the orphanage was well under construction. The Toths were continually inspired by the amazing work being done with the seemingly insufficient money sent, and pressed on in prayer and faith.
By late fall 2017, the orphanage was completed, and by New Year’s Day 2018, the orphanage was home to the 108 children of the COR Kenya Churches. Now home, the children could begin to thrive as a family and be cared for properly. What little the church had to care for them could be evenly distributed so none would go without. God has ever since provided for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs as He had promised.
The Toth family would be abundantly blessed in the spring of 2018 by their beloved missionary friends Dave and Marg Hinds who were traveling back to Africa for another mission trip. Normally their mission work would keep them in Uganda, but on this trip they were called by a pastor to minister inside Kenya – a trip which would take them close to the orphanage in Kissii. So they went to see what the Lord had done, and their report was amazing! They said that Restoration Children’s Home was beautiful and the children were very happy, healthy, and being well cared for. The children and pastors received Dave and Marg Hinds as envoys of their adoptive parents back in America, and embraced them as if they were Pastors Travis and Jill themselves. The pictures of children giving them gifts was overwhelming for the Toth family as the miracle of God became real and tangible through Dave and Marg.
2018 would see another great move of God in the Toth family as Pastor Travis was promoted to plant manager of a new graphite plant in North Carolina. About the same time, the last group of children was finally freed from an oppressive overseer, and the orphanage grew to over 130 children. This proved to be too many, and due to lack of funds, only 2 meals a day could be provided. Through prayer, we heard God make a tough decision for us, and He said to keep only the pure orphans, children who have lost both father and mother, and have no other family to care for them. So we sadly had to send away children who had at least one relative to live with, but we know that God will restore their family for this move. It proved to be the best decision for everyone, and with 93 children currently at the home, it is all just a miracle.
Finally, in 2019, the Toth family received word that the door was open for Travis to travel to Kenya to see the children, and so they began to pray for the finances. God of course would provide the finances and Dave Hinds met Travis at the Nairobi, Kenya airport on November 21st, 2019. The entire trip was supernatural extraordinary, but there were three things which stood out to Travis: (1) the children were joyful and praised God continually – they were more in tune with the Lord Jesus than can be imagined – the pastors and volunteers had been sowing spiritually into their lives for many years; (2) this region of Kenya in Kissii county is absolutely beautiful and spiritually rich – the people were peaceful and friendly, and there was very little sickness – there was almost no need for healing or deliverance in the churches; (3) the people were so thankful for what the Lord has done for them – what seems so little to us, and in reality is little, has changed the lives of so many people, not just the children, but the entire community, and they are so thankful it brings tears of joy.
We hope you can partner with us as we continue to build on what God has done already. The cost just to feed the children every month is US $3,000 which in reality is actually quite cheap at US $1 a day per child. We have a local farmer to thank who responded to our cry to God for help and he brings the food to the home every month and provides for us at cost.
Thank you our beloved friend!
There is a great need to dig a well on the property which will cost around US $15,000 but will pay for itself in 2-3 years as it will be the only well in the community and everyone will come to the orphanage to buy water so they do not have to drink the dirty river water anymore. It takes a lot of water to care for 100 children, and the children should not have to walk a mile to the river everyday carrying buckets and jugs of water. The water will provide much better hygiene and make every part of their life better – just imagine if we did not have running water what life would be like.
We bought a 10,000 liter water tank through a donation of a dear friend, and are currently using it to collect rain water, but we need help improving the rain gutters around the home. While the tank and rain gutters we have are helpful, and there are days the children do not have to go to the river and drink dirty water, currently it does not provide near enough water.
Can you help?
The future goal is to construct a large school on the orphanage property and be able to hire teachers so the children can get a better education to prepare them for life after they leave. They children are attending school, but as we know education is the most important part of a child’s future, and we want to give them the best, and help the whole community in the process get better. In meeting with the children one-on-one, they all told Bishop Travis they want to be a doctor or some profession which requires secondary education, but there is currently little hope to receive that education. We can change that – we hope to have enough sponsorship some day to provide the children with scholarship opportunities once they leave the home.
It is a great hope of our hearts to pay the six Restoration Children’s Home full-time volunteers with monthly blessing, but we currently cannot. These blessed workers have sacrificed their lives to care for these children, and we could not do it without them. We also need to build a bigger garden, buy milking cows, and buy more chickens, to help them feed the children more abundantly.
There is much to do in Kenya to protect and prosper the Church. These children are beloved by God and are the future of the Church. When you touch their lives, you touch the apple of God’s eye.
Will you help us?
I can promise, you will be abundantly blessed for your support!
100% of your donation will go directly to the children's care and for special projects for the home with no fees or administrative overhead.
By making a donation, you are partnering with us to change the future of Africa by caring for the next generation of Christians in Kenya and giving them hope.
By making a donation, you are partnering with us to change the future of Africa by caring for the next generation of Christians in Kenya and giving them hope.